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Lab News



Nicole defended her Master's Thesis, entitled "The Relation Between Child Maltreatment and Mindfulness: The Roles of Severity, Cumulative Maltreatment, and Minimization" in February 2021.


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Prachi accepted a postdoctoral fellowship at Brown University School of Medicine. The fellowship focuses on Intervention and Prevention of Trauma and Substance Use and is based at Rhode Island Hospital. The fellowship includes training in clinical intervention and prevention approaches and research related to the intersection of trauma and substance use. This is a very important area given the prevalence of substance use disorders among traumatized populations.

Exciting work.


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Carleigh Turner graduated with her BA from the Trauma and Emotion Regulation Lab in 2017 and is currently a Post-Baccalaureate Research Fellow at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Here, she works under the supervision of her principal investigator (PI) Dr. Yogita Chudasama, of the Section on Behavioral Neuroscience, conducting research focusing on pharmacological interventions for correcting disruptions of the cognitive-emotional functions in the frontal-hippocampal system. Her research is also guided by the mentorship of Dr. Vladimir Visockis, a postdoctoral fellow in the Section of Behavioral Neuroscience. These projects require Carleigh to work with animal models of mental health conditions, perform stereotaxic surgery, histology, and multiple methods of animal behavioral testing. 


After graduating from Miami University Carleigh worked for 3 years in the clinical sector of psychology. During this time she was a behavioral health technician at a drug addiction rehabilitation center and a crisis counselor for runaway youth. However, she later determined science and academia were her true passions. Therefore, to gain more research experience, she decided to apply for the post-baccalaureate intramural research training award (IRTA) position at the National Institute of Health (NIH). 


Carleigh also completed a master’s program in Clinical Psychopharmacology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, under a fellowship from Division 55 of the American Psychological Association (APA). Her focus was the utilization of non-stimulant treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 


Carleigh hopes to continue working within the field of behavioral neuroscience research, continuing to seek out ways to treat and prevent mental illness. 

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