Undergraduate Honors Theses (N=24)
Each Summer Scholar Award (n = 10) included a $400 grant to the student and a $600 grant to the advisor;
each Dean’s Scholar Award (n = 7) included a $750 grant to the student and a $750 grant to the advisor.
Sarah Pankratz, Departmental Honors (2021)
Sexual Assault and Dissociation
Hannah Woods, Departmental Honors (2017)
PTSD, shame, thought suppression, and dissociation as predictors of
alexithymia among survivors of lifetime sexual violence.
Kelsey Straub, Departmental Honors, Dean’s Scholar (2015-16)
Interpersonal and emotion-focused mediators of sexual revictimization in college women.
Katelyn Palmer, Departmental Honors, Summer Scholar (2014-15)
The role of lifetime sexual victimization in bulimia pathology:
A focus on affective instability and nonacceptance.
Hannah Espeleta, Departmental Honors, Summer Scholar (2013-14)
Emotion dysregulation mediates the link between child abuse and romantic attachment difficulties.
Taylor Ross, University Honors, Dean’s Scholar (2013-14).
The role of self-blame in sexual revictimization:
Impact on PTSD and alcohol use mediators.
Amanda Withrow, Departmental Honors (2012-13).
The role of diminished sexual control in the impact of unwanted sexual experiences
on risky sexual behavior in college women.
Emily Philips-Roth, Dean’s Scholar, Summer Scholar, University & Departmental Honors (2010-11).
Coping and enhancement drinking motives in female college drinkers:
Patterns of alcohol use, problems, and risky behavior.
Nicole Sheffer, Departmental Honors (2009-10).
Alcohol- and sex-related variables impact college women’s risk perception in a hypothetical scenario.
Melissa Roemmele, Dean’s Scholar, Departmental Honors (2008-9).
The Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas in the Risky Sexual Behavior of Female Child Abuse Survivors.
Misti Rogers, Departmental Honors (2008-9).
“I Hooked Up Last Night”:
Understanding College Women’s Definitions of the Hook-Up.
Emily Lambrecht, Departmental Honors (2008-9).
Does cognitive dissonance impact alcohol-facilitated sexual behavior
and sexual assault in college women?
Erika L. Kelley, Summer Scholar (2007), Dean’s Scholar (2008), University Honors (2008-9).
Women’s Conceptualization of Their Unwanted Sexual Experiences:
How Labeling Influences Risky Sexual Behavior
Alison J. Kaiser, Summer Scholar, Departmental Honors (2007-8).
Emotion Dysregulation and Sex Motives Predict Risky Sexual Behavior
and Sexual Victimization in College Women
Sarah Griffeth, Summer Scholar, Departmental Honors (2006-7).
Child Maltreatment, Parental Bonding and Emotion Dysregulation
as Predictors of Borderline Symptoms in a Sample of College Women
Erin E. Bybee, Dean’s Scholar, Departmental Honors (2005-6).
Identity as an Explanatory Factor of the Relation Between
Maladaptive Childhood Experiences and Bulimic Behaviors in College Women
Mai Foerster, Summer Scholar (2004).
Interpersonal Schemas & Revictimization among CSA Survivors
Carrie Johnson, Summer Scholar, Departmental Honors (2003-2004).
Differential Correlates of Rape, Attempted Rape, and Sexual Coercion among College Women
Amanda Spector, University Honors (2003-4).
The Impact of Psychological Maltreatment on Self-Concept and Revictimization Among College Women
Stephanie L. Calmes, Departmental Honors (2003).
Affect Dysregulation and the Use of Tension-Reducing Behaviors in Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
Sara Nelson, Departmental Honors (2003).
The Construct of Psychopathy and Its Relationship to Criminal and Violent Behavior
Jaclyn Tooley, Departmental Honors (2003).
The Differential Impact of Characterological and Behavioral Self-Blame
in the Long-Term Adjustment of Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors
Allison E. Scheer, Summer Scholar & Dean’s Scholar, University Honors (2002-3).
Understanding the Impact of Sexual Victimization and Public Self-Consciousness on Eating Disorders
Diana L. Hickey, Departmental Honors (2002).
Optimistic Bias, Personal Vulnerability, Perceptions of Control, and Personal Experience Following the September 11th Terrorist Attacks: A Prospective Study of College Women