Graduate Student Master’s Theses (N=19)
Sanjana Conroy, M.A. (2023)
Maladaptive schemas, interpersonal behaviors and the link between
childhood psychological maltreatment and intimate partner sexual violence
Seth Wilensky, M.A. (2022)
The impact of masculine norm conformity on the relation
between sexual victimization, emotion regulation strategies, and sexual difficulties in men
Nicole LaPlena, M.A. (2021)
The relation between child maltreatment and mindfulness:
The roles of severity, cumulative maltreatment, and minimization
Selime R. Salim, M.A. (2018)
Bisexual women’s experiences of stigma and verbal sexual coercion:
The role of internalized heterosexism and outness
Prachi H. Bhuptani, M.A. (2017)
A Roadmap to Depression among Rape Victims:
Rape-related Shame, Rumination, Experiential Avoidance and Revictimization.
Amy McConnell, M.A. (2016)
Beyond the Force-Substance Dichotomy: Examining the Experience of Combined and Incapacitated Type Rapes and their Relationship to PTSD Symptoms.
Natalie Cook, M. A. (2015)
I said no:
The impact of voicing non-consent on women’s perceptions of and responses to rape.
Sarah Barton, M.A. (2014)
An Interpersonal Framework for Revictimization:
Contributions of Impaired Self-Reference.
Lee Eshelman, M.A. (2014)
The Impact of Substance Use on Women’s Risk Perception and Risk for Sexual Revictimization:
A Prospective Moderated-Mediation Analysis.
Mary (Cat) Munroe, M. A. (2014)
The Association between Child Maltreatment and Adult Revictimization:
The Contributions of Early Maladaptive Schemas.
Shruti Dasgupta, M.A. (2013)
Understanding Revictimization: A Cluster Analytic Approach.
Julia Kaplinska, M.A. (2012)
Risk Recognition and Response in Relation to College Women’s Sexual Victimization:
The Context of Sex Motives
Rachel Chandley, M.A. (2011)
Anxiety Sensitivity, Emotion Dysregulation and
Drinking to Cope Among Undergraduate Women
Noga Zerubavel, M.A. (2010)
Barriers to Sexual Assertiveness in College Women:
A Focus on Fear of Sexual Powerlessness and Emotion Dysregulation
David Walker, M.A. (2006)
Impaired Sexual Assertiveness and Consensual Sexual Activity as Risk Factors
for Sexual Coercion in Heterosexual College Women
Prashant Banerjee, M.A. (2005)
Perfectionism as a Mediator of the Relationship between
Parental Overcontrol and Social Phobia Symptoms
Kathryn J. Gaffey, M.A. (2005)
Effects of Witnessing Interparental Violence and Marital Conflict
on Young Adult’s Interpersonal Relationships
Aubrey A. Beidatsch, M.A. (2005)
Emotion Dysregulation and Tension Reducing Behaviors
in Adult Survivors of Child Maltreatment
Kathleen A. DeNardi, M.A. (2005)
Consensual Sexual Behaviors and Experiences of College Women
Following a History of Child Sexual Abuse